Coral Springs Restoration Company - Mold Remediation


Improper drying of water following a flood, plumbing failures, undetected leaks, high humidity levels; they’ve all got one common symptom that start to show within 48-72 hours – mold growth! While mold spores exist in the environment, it’s when they’re provided the right conditions that they reproduce and proliferate, thus making an undesirable entrance into your property and feeding on organic matter. Left unchecked, it can grow dangerously, contaminating your property, producing irritants and allergens, which can cause significant health hazards to the inhabitants.

Progressive and destructive, mold needs to be checked right at the start to prevent it from blowing up in scale. With timely mold remediation, you can save yourself hefty repair expenses and hospital bills, curbing the growth of one of the worst forms of contaminants any property owner can ever face. If you can notice visible signs of growth or there are unchecked damp spots in your home, chances are, your property may soon turn into a breeding ground for mold. Don’t let that happen! Call Coral Springs Restoration Company on 954-354-2061! Our mold remediation experts are available 24/7 in Coral Springs, FL area, and we’ll be right with you to remove the inhospitable guest and help you regain control over your property.

Pro-active resolution of mold

Coral Springs Restoration Company Coral Springs, FL 954-354-2061When you suspect there’s mold growth, even if it’s not evident immediately; call us right away. Most mold may not make itself prominent, but will rather grow in hidden spaces, crevices and wall cavities. However, its presence may still announce itself through strange smelling odors that are sure-shot signs of invisible growth hidden away in your property. A common mistake many do is to attempt washing the moldy areas, cover it up with paint, new wallpaper, tiles or carpet. This doesn’t solve the problem; rather it only hides it from plain sight, while the growth still persists.

The only way to correct mold growth is to remove all signs of growth, eliminate the cause and keep moisture levels in check. Here’s how we, at Coral Springs Restoration Company, provide mold remediation services in Coral Springs, FL area:

  • Mold clean-up:

Special chemicals and cleaners are used to remove mold growth. Contaminated materials beyond restoration are disposed off and replaced.  Sanitization, thorough cleaning, disinfection and deodorization are done to completely remove all signs of mold, both visible and hidden.

  • Cutting-off moisture

The key to elimination, involves cutting off its moisture supply, something which many so-called mold remediation fail to address. ‘Removal’ alone may not suffice, since mold is bound to resurface again. Our experts are trained to identify sources of water damage, address leaks, dry up moisture, cut down humidity levels and more.

  • Preventing reappearance

Some materials such as wood, paper, cloth, provide the perfect host for mold growth. Replacing these with mold-resistant materials can help. Mold resistant insulation, wood treated with anti-mold chemicals, fiberglass drywall instead of paper-facing versions, paint treated with fungicide and more, can make your property mold-proof to some extent

Don’t let this deadly fungus take over your property! Regain control and make your property whole again. All you need to do is call 954-354-2061 and our mold remediation experts will be at your doorstep in no time!